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Tag Archives: Bank of Japan

Bank of Japan enters the money trap

The first thing to say about Haruhiko Kuroda, nominated as the next governor of the Bank of Japan, is that he is a very nice man. Whenever I have met him, he has been not only modest and friendly, but also ready, willing and able to discuss policy issues and ready to modify his opinion…
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Goodhart’s cry of despair

Five years after the international banking system fell into the arms of the central banks and governments, there is still a paralysing uncertainty about the extent and cost of regulation, the viability of banking models and the monetary policy regime.   More about financial regulation and banking models in future columns. Now let us look…
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Central banks remain stuck in the trap

        Mervyn King has mounted a defence of inflation targeting. Monetary policy, he claims, is part of the solution to the crisis, not part of the problem. This view was echoed by many official spokesmen at the recent IMF meeting in Tokyo. Christine Lagarde praised the central banks. There are quite minor…
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